Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Getting the measure of one certain pOOpy!

Today I decided to measure Sweep to keep track of his growth. Seems like he's growth since we got him. He's 16 inches to the shoulder, though higher at the hips, his neck has increased enough to loosen his collar by a notch and his chest/tummy are 16"/13" respectively. He's a hungry little fella so I think he's gonna grow quite quickly. Having 2 picky eaters in the house it's nice to be able to put grub down and see it disappear ... and reemerge out of t'other end in one neat pile. Apols for anyone reading this who WAS eating!

Yesterday was so dark that we didnt manage any outside pics. It was raining heavily all day and Sweep refused to go out, prefering the shelter of the house eaves instead. Toilet training seemed to disappear out of the window too, with several accidents on the hall carpet. I've been standing outside and rewarding pees and poops in the right place with a morsel of food, which seemed to be doing the trick. But the rain put paid to that! However, today Sweep has gone out when told (or when carried) and 'performed' for his treat brilliantly. Phew!

I did manage to get a great group shot though ... with Sweep in the middle as usual!

Of course he's found another great spot to sleep ... my chair!

From the last 2 pics you'd think 'butter wouldnt melt ...' etc. Don't be fooled! He has some truly demonic moments too. But I think one of the funniest so far has to be when he pinched a cardboard tube from the recycling bag ... the tube was from a roll of gift wrap, so quite a bit bigger than said small puppy! Here's the shot! Unfortunately it came out a bit dark.

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