Friday, 21 November 2008

Chip Day!

We had a trip to Lockerbie today to meet the vet. I thought Sweep had come of age to get his microchipping done.
He was brilliant in the car and did what he needed to do before we went into the surgery. He sat patiently in the waiting area and didn't lunge too much towards the beautiful border collie that was also waiting.
Jo the vet came and called for us and Sweep happily trotted after her. Jo had a listen to his chest, checked his teeth and eyes and confirme that 'he's probably deerhound cross', which we kinda already knew, but I guess they like to prove they know what they're doing.
Sweep sat quite patiently while Jo got the needle ready ..... but boy oh boy did he yell when it went in!!!!! I think the whole of Lockerbie now know he's arrived. He even refused the treats I had with me. And Sweep NEVER refuses food!
But, he's done now, so that's that. I think we may have to check it's Hazel on duty next time, because Sweep learns very quickly and Im sure he'll remember Jo and the needle.
I managed to snap a couple of pics last night and here they are.
First is Sweep with two of his new brothers, Willy (black lab) and Ben (greyhoundxcollie). The feet belong to Simon and are best ignored!!!

Second is another group shot ... and as usual Sweep is in the middle of the dog pile!

Next is Sweep trying to get Tiger to play with him. Can you guess who won THAT battle? LOL! Tiger was happy to put her nose right into Sweep's bowl at breakfast this morning too, so I think he's learning a little respect for the cats. Smudge, our other cat, is still staying up a height when the boisterous mop on legs bounces around!

And last is a side-on shot of the little darling ..... before he pounced on Coco's tail!

Tonight we're going to have a lesson on sleeping in the crate WITHOUT howling. If anyone passes me in the street over the next few days/weeks - I'm the one with the dark shadows and the matchsticks propping my eyelids up! zzzzz

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