Saturday, 29 November 2008

Busy week

We've had a busy week this week. Unfortunately puppy classes were cancelled because of unfinished works at the town hall. Hopefully they'll be back on this coming monday. But we've been doing training at home and Sweep now knows 'roll over' though he gets a bit confused by this sometimes. We managed to fit in a walk aroung our local loch earlier in the week with big brother Coco. Coco is 16 and doesn't walk quite as fast as he used to but he does enjoy his morning constitutional. So Sweep joined him in him wednesday constitutional though got a little impatient at having to stop to let Coco catch up. Of course Coco wasn't at all bothered by Sweep's tantrums and just walked straight past, totally ignoring him. Then we met the ducks. Sweep wanted to play with them but Coco stood well back. I think Coco's worked out that ducks are best left to their own devices and he tends to walk past them without batting an eyelid. That is unless there's an egg lying around. Then its a case of sod the ducks and grab the egg! He's only managed that feat once though, luckily!!! Sweep met the ducks again today and I let him get a bit closer. He's now learned why we steer clear of the ducks ..... having been hissed and quacked and snapped at! After the walk, Sweep decided to use Coco as a pillow. Well, Coco is lovely and soft, isn't he!?! On thursday Sweep decided to raid the bin to get a yogurt pot. Sweep likes yogurt, especially strawberry flavoured! He also has a taste for peanut butter. Well Im a marmite gal so the thought of having peanut butter in the fridge makes me cringe. But I relented and now Sweep has his own (tightly lidded) jar in the fridge which gets used to smear the inside of his Kong. Probably a bit more suitable than a pinched plastic yogurt pot! Unfortunately over the past couple of days big brother Coco has been quite ill. He has problems with his skin and ears which need pulse therapy with antibiotics. He also has a lot of muscle wastage in his old muscles and has become very thin. We're all very worried about him, not least because of his age. He's been with us since January 2008 when his owner had to give him up to go into residential care. But we fell in love with him within seconds of meeting him. He's a very gentle and loving giant - and a true gentleman. He also has the patient of a saint having Sweep around. If you're reading this, please spare a moment to send a good thought or a healing blessing Coco's way. We went back to the loch today, in the fog and ice, with Sweep, Coco, Willy and Ben. Having found a nice quiet (duck-free) spot, Sweep got the chance to go off the lead and have a daft few minutes charging round with Ben. Willy tried to join in but gave up and decided to dig up stones instead. Coco just stood still and had cuddles from me. Here's one manic puppy wearing off a fraction of steam, on a perfect winter's morning.

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