Monday, 5 January 2009

So, that's Christmas 2008 over and done with! Hurray! Sweep managed his first Chrissy party very well. I spent some time the weekend before making him an elf costume and guess what ... he won first prize! He was a complete star wearing it too ... no chewing at all. As you will see he wasnt impressed.

The morning after pic was something to behold. Poor pup was worn out!

Richard came to stay for a few days before Christmas and met Sweep for the first time. They hit it off rather well.

On the monday before Christmas we took the gang up to the Grey Mare's Tail which holds a special significance for us all. Coco loves it there and seems to find a new lease of life. He wasnt very well for the few weeks leading up to Christmas and I was very worried he wouldnt make it. But he did and here he is posing with Ben and Willy.

Of course Sweep was on lead most of the time to stop him going daft!

Though when he did get off lead, this was the resulting photo!

Sweep has grown quite a lot recently. Here he is with Coco, using him as a pillow!

And here he is with me, as per usual chewing my chin!

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