Thursday 11 December 2008

It's been a very chilly week this week, and I'm afraid I've not been very well. So there isn't much news and even fewer pics.

However, despite the weather, there is one significant piece of news ..... Sweep has graduated from his puppy collar to his bigger puppy collar! Paula from House of Zed makes some truly beautiful martingale collars. Here is the little demon wearing his new collar. It seems to be a hit. He particularly likes running round in circles chasing the tags which dangle from it, lol.

Puppy class this week was again poop and pee class. But Sweep has improved in his recall and his walking on lead. I've put in a fair bit of work with him and Simon has helped too. Sweep now knows 'sit, stay'! His party trick is to sit, stay outside the bathroom door for me. Excellent! Luckily he hasn't identified with the labradors ... otherwise we'd have loo roll all over the house!

Next week is the Christmas Party. I'll keep schtum about his costume for now. But let's just say, he has a certain look which Im gonna exploit!

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